
I realize more and more how much I have no control over my life. Whatever Intention God had set at the time of my birth, that is what will happen. I can either fulfill that or fight that. I remember how much at times I fought with life and wanted something or someone other than what was happening or who was there in the moment. And now I realize it all had a purpose and a meaning and a growth. I've learned so much patience. I'm so happy with where I am now. I realize that God has my Best at His/Her Heart and I'm incredibly lucky and blessed. Just the fact that I can open my eyes every morning and take in the sights and sounds of families living, of coffee brewing and life chugging along is a blessing. The fact that I can sit here and type these words on the computer and enjoy an Americano is an incredible blessing. And I can do this all by myself. The fact that I can walk down Walnut St. and just be and take in the scene is Awesome. Sometimes I'm in awe of what I have and what is around me. It's amazing how much we have in life. We have so much.

~ Peace