
My Vagina Monologue

The first time I saw the Vagina Monologues, I was a junior at Penn State. I was excited and went with two girlfriends and had a blast. I had so many emotions while watching it and kept looking over at this older guy who was there with his girlfriend to see his reactions. He was scurred. There were so many women in that big room that night and such high energy...it was a memorable experience. Over the weekend, I saw it again at Chatham University.

It's amazing how much you think you know about yourself and your femininity until its expression is blazing in your face, reminding you what parts need to awaken. Watching the Vagina Monologues is a healing, creative, INCREDIBLY FUN, hilarious and awesome experience. It helps you feel what you need to feel and integrate afterwards.

I was inspired after the play to answer some of the questions that are answered in the monologues. I also added a few more questions. These are all answered by my vagina :)


What color is my vagina?

Royal orange

If my vagina could talk, what would it say?


If my vagina got dressed, what would it wear?

A pretty light blue gown

What does my vagina remind me of?

The ocean, the beach, sitting on bright beige sand, relaxing and gazing out at the horizon

What's special about my vagina?

it's Punjabi

What does my vagina smell like?

An autumn breeze

What kind of moan does my vagina have?

A very high-pitched giggle

If my vagina had tons of money, what would she buy?

Not a tiny home, but a couple small homes.

What is my vagina's favorite food?

Spinach, duh.

If my vagina could roam free, where would she be?

Swimming and snorkeling naked in the Caribbean under the hot, hot sun

If my vagina could pray, what would be her prayer?

To be at peace with whatever exists in any given moment.

If my vagina could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?


If my vagina were in Italy, what would she be doing?

Eating pizza

~ Peace