I absolutely love Jessica Parker. I mean I LOVE her. I love her work, her work ethic and how she lives her life and is able to keep it all together and be there for her family. After seeing 'I Don't Know How She Does It' with my girlfriend this weekend, I ended up liking her even more.
As much as I enjoyed it, I couldn't help feel a little stressed while watching Jessica form her endless to do lists on screen. My own mind started going....grab milk and yogurt, buy new wallet and clinique exfoliator, email Nick, upload flamenco pics on facebook, LAUNDRY, fix nails, need new slacks, get eyebrows done, buy garbage can, call (or should I say remind, good god) landlord re: toilet not working and a million other things not working/updated in new apartment, fax loan form, put car insurance in the car (did new bill come yet?), stop at Rite Aid for toiletries, call mom back, buy new flamenco wear for gigs, GET SAFETY PINS, LAUNDRY, call Grace back, call Preeti to see how she's doing and any updates, mail card to pregnant BFF, get shin splint brace, renew passport/Visa thingamajig, meet with John re: program, update the website (total BLAH), paperwork, school emails, get back to students & schedule tutoring this fall and honestly there are 100 other things that I don't even want to think about right now because I have to get back to work and my five minute reflection/break/etc is up. Oh also, LAUNDRY.
As I was getting my tea in the break room this morning, I wiped off all the carpet fuzz that was all over my pants. And then as I was making my tea, my tea bag fell in the garbage.
It's a fun filled life :) Good film :)