
Whenever I do a Reality Check with myself, I feel a pain, a despair, an agony....it's so deep, intense, so profound that I feel like my chest is going to explode. It feels like my torso is going to just rip off and explode into a million pieces of guts, blood and bones. I get so anxious when I feel this, but just have to feel it. It sucks because there are things to be done but the agony is so deep that I can't make that phone call or work any faster than I would like to. But I trust it. I TRUST that I need to experience what comes up in any given moment. Sometimes the moment lasts five minutes, or two years, and I just Trust that I'm on the Right Path because I want to live an Authentic Life. When there are Moments of Clarity in between, I Create and Live. Those are the Moments that are True, Right and Peaceful. 

Anything created out of Peace is a True Life: Anything Created out of that Space is Art.

~ Peace ~